Sunday, March 28, 2010


Today is a beautiful day from 4 stories up. I haven't been out yet, but it sure looks nice from up here. So here is a story that completely warmed my heart last week.

Ari has been saying a couple of words here and there, she says mama, dada, and "I" on a regular basis. Her main source of communication is meaningful hand signing and "uh". If she wants food she usually points and gives a grunt. It was quiet as picked Ari up out of her bed (Isaac was still sleeping). As I held her on my hip, I started cleaning up a few of her animals and toys. She spotted her baby doll in the stuffed animal basket, out of blue I hear a small voice say "Babuh". I look over at Ari, she repeats, "Babuh" and points to her baby. A very sweet moment. My daughter used a word to ask for what she wanted.

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