Thursday, June 3, 2010

Oh sweet routine, where are you when I really need you?

With a long trip like ours, comes a lot of tricky things when it comes to kids. First of all you are uprooting the well established routine. The usual, in bed at 7:00 has been thrown out the window! Not once in our 27 days of vacation have my kids even come close to that. Especially since #1 can now climb out of any walled structure we put her in!

As I am typing the kids are making their way down Grandma's hallway. Every 6 minutes or so I hear, "Mom, she is sleeping next to me now." or "Mom, she is out of her bed again!". So now we have a new routine. Put them to bed anywhere between 7:30 and 10:00 and spend and hour reminding children they need to be in bed. I think this is better than rocking them to sleep, I keep telling myself that, I hope I am right :)